When you set out to advertise for your business using signage, storefront or otherwise, you want to be sure you’re doing it right. If you’re not familiar with the process, it’s easy to stray from the path of good design decisions. Here are some of the most common issues business owners run into when putting together their plans for advertising their business with signs:
Cluttering Your Message
If there’s too much information or imagery on the sign, it can be hard to take in the purpose, which is to inform and bring customers in. Having clearly communicated info, such as the business name and services provided, is key to having your customers know what your business does. A direct message is more likely to stick in your customers’ minds.
Misplacing The Sign
If your sign isn’t easily visible by possible customers, they are less likely to know where to go. If you aren’t seeing the traffic you want, consider what might be blocking your sign from the eyes of future customers. Is it too high where people don’t look? Is there a tree growing in front of your shop blocking the normal sign placement? Can customers see your sign and easily track it to your business?
Going For A Cheap Display
If you use cheap materials to try to bring people in, it can show. Lower quality signage fades, wears down quickly, and can just not look good. Those problems reflect on the business, and customers are less likely to patronize a storefront that they don’t consider a quality establishment. Putting a little more into your signage budget makes a huge difference in the perceptions of your customers.
Signage That Is Not In Line With The Industry
Making sure your sign colors, fonts, and medium is in line industry it is advertising is often overlooked. Using an authoritative block font might not do well as a part of a daycare sign, or bright flashy colors for a chemical development facility might be out of place.
Inconsistent Design Across Multiple Signs
When your signs are in multiple locations, customers should be able to recognize they are for the same place. If every sign looks different, they are less likely to realize they are advertising the same service. Consistency in design and message makes attracting new customers easier.
Poorly Selected Colors
Some colors just don’t look good together. A neon green background and bright yellow font would be a poor combination for a variety of reasons, not least of which because it’d be difficult to read. Clear and easily legible text is vital to spreading your message.
Not Double Checking Before Printing
Before finalizing a design and paying for it to be built, giving it a once over with a careful and close eye can save a lot of pain. Nothing is worse than ordering a massive sign for your storefront and discovering your business name is spelled incorrectly.
Going It Alone
Not consulting with a professional firm can be the downfall of even the most experienced businesses. By working with signage experts who know the industry and the design process, like Bartush Signs, you can avoid making these mistakes and get the best results possible.