Autumn is finally here, which can only mean one thing: football season is now in full swing, and fans are piling back into the stadiums. In all sports arenas, signs are a crucial part of the functioning of the stadium and the experience of the spectators. A football stadium needs plenty of high-quality signage to ensure that everyone is safe and that the fans are enjoying the game and feeling plenty of team pride! When signs throughout a stadium are consistent and coordinated, it helps to solidify the team’s brand image as well. These are some of the types of signs that can often be found in a football stadium.
This one is probably the most obvious, but that’s because it’s arguably the most important. Following a football game without a scoreboard is next to impossible, so having a good one is crucial to the experience of the fans. At the bare minimum, the sign will need to display the score, the quarter and the time remaining in the quarter, the yard line the ball is on, and how many yards there are to go. Larger stadiums might need multiple scoreboards or smaller scrolling signs to allow every seat to have a view of the information.
Athlete Honors
In a football stadium, it’s always a good idea to have displays that recognize extraordinary players for the home team. Whether it’s a recent record-breaker of a legendary hall-of-famer, this is a good way to build the brand of a team and boost fan morale as they remember and discuss amazing plays by a certain team member. A sign like this should include the player’s picture, name, number, and anything they are known for.
Upcoming Events and Promotions
A beautiful and eye-catching sign, banner, or wrap is one of the best ways to drive interest for a special event or some other kind of promotion that the stadium will be having soon. It’s also a good way for a stadium to advertise for their sponsors, particularly if they are involved in the event. A high visibility area that doesn’t have a lot happening on it, like a blank wall, is a good spot for a sign of this variety.
Wayfinding and Safety Signs
Signs for directional and emergency purposes are vital in any large building, and football stadiums are no exception. Depending on the size of the stadium, signs that indicate the section and number bank of seats that a person is in are important, as are signs that point the way to the other sections and to things like bathrooms, lounges or concession areas. It’s also necessary for all exits to be clearly marked and for there to be plenty of highly visible signs directing people towards the exits, both to aid the flow of the crowd after a game is over, and in crisis situations like fires. First aid kits, fire alarms and fire extinguishers, and medical items like AEDs should also be clearly labeled around the building.
Venue Signs for Broadcasts
Any football stadium should have a large and fairly noticeable sign on its exterior with the name of the stadium, the name of the home team, a logo, and any necessary sponsor information. This is important to help fans know that they’re in the right place, but it’s also crucial for any stadiums that plan on broadcasting games to provide something distinctive that can be used as filler footage. When you watch a football game on TV you’ll usually see several shots of the exterior of the stadium at various points during the broadcast, typically right before or after a commercial break, and these shots frequently include the external sign. Since a sign like this will get a huge amount of visibility, and will be seen by not just in-person attendees but also broadcast viewers, this is a sign that should be visible and colorful, and its design should help to convey the brand image of the stadium, the team, and the sponsors.
Football stadiums are locations that are full of beautiful and functional signs. Next time you visit one, take a moment to appreciate them! If you have a signage project of your own coming up, you’ll need the help of experienced professionals who know the ins and outs of signs in all different kinds of venues. Bartush Signs is the premier display signage company in Orwigsburg, PA, and we are ready to help you. Contact us here to discuss your options!