Signs are to businesses what canvasses are to artists. They offer a unique space for creative expression where you can communicate your messages to customers. Signs are used in different ways; from conveying important messages about sales and offers to using creative techniques that draw attention to your business. Humor can be a tricky tactic to master, but it can make for some hilarious and entertaining signage.
Below, we’ll take a look at some signs that use humor to create funny and unique signs in ways that are designed to entertain, warn, caution, welcome and attract passerby.
1. A warning to parents who leave their children unattended.
Most parents try to keep their children from consuming caffeine for good reason. It can stunt their growth, but it can also leave them bouncing off the walls with massive amounts of energy. Whoever made this sign is making a compelling argument to parents to keep their children with them at all times because caffeine and puppies could lead to a hectic scenario.
2. These things should not be flushed down the toilet.
It’s a given that you shouldn’t dispose of your old cell phones, unpaid bills and junk mail in the toilet. Your ex’s sweater might be a little harder to grapple with, especially if it’s their toilet. Just be sure to hold on to your hopes and dreams, especially when you visit this toilet. Oh, and give your goldfish a proper burial.
3. Who wants a free police ride!?
A police escort might seem nice at first. So can having your name in the newspaper. The consequences that come from shoplifting? Not so nice.
4. Honk if you love…
Churches are some of the most creative places when it comes to signage, especially if you love a good pun. This church seeks some audience interaction from their sign, and gives a clear warning to those who might be tempted to text and drive: you might meet Jesus sooner than you think.
5. Patience is a virtue.
Not only is this sign telling readers that the person they’re looking for will be back soon, it’s teaching them an important lesson in patience. What’s even better? This sign will almost always be right… at some point anyway.
6. Conflicting desires.
Have you ever been stuck in the middle of an argument between two friends? That’s probably how this person felt. If there’s any place where conflicting messages should absolutely not be sent, it’s a highway.
7. This bar has the answer to all your troubles.
Every bar might say they have the answer to all your troubles, but this bar displays it with a diagram. Is everything okay in your life? Maybe you should celebrate it with a drink! If something wrong? This bar says a drink may help. Clever signage.
8. A cheesy sign.
Who doesn’t love a good cheesy pun…? This sign is clever on multiple levels, changing the lyrics of a popular song to add in cheese-related puns. The more cheese the better in our opinion!
You think the word “DANGER” in all capital letters would be enough for people to get the hint that something is dangerous. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case, which is why someone made this sign. This makes it explicitly clear that touching the sign will help you achieve your life-long dream of experiencing high voltage firsthand.
10. Chips and salsa
This sign is just a friendly reminder about how good chips and salsa are at Mexican restaurants and how little self-control we all have when they get placed on our table. There’s no shame in loving chips and salsa. Absolutely none.
11. Somebody loves burgers.
This restaurant is sharing to the world that they were voted to have the best burgers by a guy who really loves burgers. It may not be an official ranking or survey, but this guy really does love burgers. That has to be worth something, right?
Everybody enjoys a funny sign every now and then, especially when it’s a high-quality, custom sign! At Bartush Signs, we specialize in providing high-quality signage solutions that can be designed to your exact specifications! From digital displays to hand-carved signs, Bartush Signs is here to help you find a sign that compliments your business and helps attract customers in whatever ways you would like! Contact us for more information about how you can find the perfect sign for your business today.