Advertising and marketing your brand can be the hardest part of owning a business. You have a unique and desirable product or service, so how do you get people to come in to your store? The first step is to assure that your storefront is inviting, and tactfully inform potential consumers what it is that you offer. One continually successful way of doing this is through carved signs. They are unique to your business, and serve as an attractive addition to the front of your business for years.
The Old
For generations, the most common form of carved sign was a wooden sign. Hardwood signs were the most desired, and certainly looked the part. A carved oak or redwood sign definitely attracted consumers to a business’s front door. However, these beautiful wooden signs rarely last forever, and are heavily susceptible to the elements, and often these signs eventually fade, rot, or warp. This may cause some businesses to pump the brakes on getting a carved sign, but there is a better option for carved signs.
The New
High density urethane (HDU) foam is a cheaper and more versatile option for carved signs. HDU provides many more options for a business owner, as it can be carved, shaped, and painted much easier than a wooden sign. HDU can be cut in many different shapes and thicknesses, and offers more text options than wood.
Likely the biggest advantage that HDU has over wood is its longevity. HDU is not susceptible to the problems that wooden signs are. HDU is waterproof and does not rot. Additionally, HDU does not fade as fast as wood does, so you do not have to repaint your sign as often. In general, HDU provides more options for its users, which make it the optimal choice for a carved sign. It is a custom sign for your business that lasts.
The Why
You may be reading this and still be on the fence about HDU carved signs. Whether you would decide to go with wood or HDU, it is a smart idea to consider a carved sign for your business. These signs are inviting, and will attract customers to your business. They are intricate while still being rustic, and they echo of tradition. Don’t worry, HDU can still give you that same feeling that wood signs do, while being much more durable.
If you are finding it hard to bring people in through your front door, it might help to put up a carved sign. It will help make your business unique. Even if you have the same product or service as someone down the street, if your business looks more unique and appealing, you will win out over your competitor. The more that you can stick in a customer’s mind, the better. Having a professionally designed and carved sign can help bring this to fruition. Make a lasting impression in a customer’s mind with a sign that lasts, one made from high density urethane.